Copyright © Abroad in Germany.
Design by Dzignine
Friday, October 25, 2013

Weekly Update!

So I'm at least going to update weekly, it's easy and I can do it Friday nights because I'm super exhausted after school anyways.

So Monday, October 21st, I started my German classes with a teacher in my village which I was very excited because I continually feel myself making progress with German - simple conversations, very simple but I'm trying!

On Tuesday, October 22nd, I started the tenth Jahre, moving down from the eleventh Jahre! I noticed the difference right away - the class was very welcoming and I think I made some friends, well, people I can talk to! The one thing I do miss is my old English class, which was one of the higher classes because sometimes you need a break from German and have a little English indulgence! I don't have the first two classes on Wednesday morning, so I'll see if I can fit in an English class there!

On Thursday, October 24th, I had tutoring again and then I went to my first Zumba class in my village! It was super fun, I tried to do as much as I could but I'm out of shape which means I should include some running into my schedule!

On Friday, October 25th, today, I had my first German Sport class and we played Handball today. It was weird at first and I made some mistakes but laughable ones (not the highly embarrassing ones) but I had fun and class went by very quickly! (One of the only classes that do...).

Tomorrow kicks off our village Market where according to my host mom, people display homestyle creations and food! I'm excited to see more of the country side of Germany!

That's all for now, I'm just going to relax for the night.

Guten Nacht!

Currently listening to: Easy by CrO


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